Лазерный дальномер для гольфа | Разница между лазерным дальномером для гольфа и дальномером для гольфа GPS

GPS Golf Rangefinder:
Measure the distance to the target with GPS positioning, combined with the golf course map.
You can see the entire fairway, and don’t worry about blocking it if you want to see the green.
Small and easy to carry.
Before going to the fairway, turn on the power in advance.
The first nine holes and the last nine holes must be changed manually.
To download the updated map.
Due to the error of the GPS signal delay ranging, sometimes it even waits for 2-3 minutes for accurate positioning.
Only the distance to the center of the green can be measured, not the distance to the specific flagpole.

Laser Golf Rangefinder:
Emit a laser to measure the distance with the reflected laser. Therefore, measuring distance is more accurate and faster. With the laser rangefinder, you don’t have to worry about changing the position of the flagpole and teeing ground every day.
GPS golf range finder is suitable for beginners with more than 100 shots who do not need to master the exact distance. The laser golf range finder is suitable for middle and advanced golf enthusiasts who need to quickly and accurately master the distance.


Этот дальномер для гольфа имеет дальность стрельбы 600 ярдов, водонепроницаем, отображает измерения на 1/10 ярда и может быть установлен на метры или ярды. Он точен до одного ярда и обеспечивает короткую вибрацию при стрельбе по мишени.

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Adopt the new technology of digital camera with laser rangefinder, which is very user friendly. No need to focus with monocular scope, makes it easy for you to read your measurements and share with your buddies or friends for the pictures or videos during the game.

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